Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
~mishhhh him~
Thursday, January 28, 2010
~ briefing ~
tajuk entri cam ape je kan..hehehhehe..tadi ade briefing pasal kami2 yg nak buat praktikal..brief pasal resume,contact hotel and seangkatan denganye...sume tue kene submit 2weeks lagi..nmpak mcm dah last sem je kan..tapi tak pun..even dapat habes this year,tapi graduate next year jugeksSs!! huh!! tapi ok la tue...da tak sabar nak habes bljr..da gedix da nak keje nie..hehe!! ok,now nak survey2 tgk hotel mane yg okies..b4 dat,i leave u ollsSs dgn pic my fren yg very derr xcited bile org nk amik gambor..hahahahh!!..daaaa..
p/s: i'll try to be more updates..hikhik!!
ayahnda zainal n sir david(otai ittar nie..hehehehe)
ana n dee
bai n mrS.yat(huahauahau..sajersSs je nk gedix ltk title cmtue..hihi)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
perghhh...long time da tak update nihh..lately nie macam malas last week im very d hepi-yeay!-yeay!...sbb yat dtg sini..sajer nak test drive area2 kL nie..tak pegi mane2 pun..sbb yat dtg sbtu, ahad da blk juru daa....die tak plan pn nk lepas yg aku sad-sad-sgt tue, die terus kate nak dtg...tq bB...hehehheh..can't wait for my upcoming bufday!! (promote bufday sendiri..hikhikhik!!)
p/s: mau tua sudaaa kau..uhukuhukuhuk!!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
~ kadang-kadang ~
..sumtimes we need sumone to give us support for make our life more better..from that it will encourage us to make sumthing that can change our life with colorfull+happily ever after..
..what ever u do, be urself, confident with ur self..till d end..there are sumthing good waiting for you there..
u can do it girl!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
:) suka-suki..
muning....tak penah2 pagi cmnie post entri..hikhikhik!! gumbira nie...sbb..bB i nk dtg this sunday!! jap jerr..sbb smlm da sob..seb..sob..seb..uwaaaa kat die kate yg diri nie bosan tahap dewa..huwaaaaa..sO,dgn tenang die call pg tadi kate "by..ahd nie b dtg kay!!" yuhuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!! jgn xjd plak..hehehehhe..i da overSsss nieee...
okeh..caw...nk pi kelas..hihihih!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
:( s.a.d
lately nie rasa mcm nk crying sekuat kuatnye....fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...bosan..sgt bosan..last week may be tak terasa sgt sebab balik dari kelas mak ayah ade...sekarang dorg dah blk tggal la aku ngn bai..nasib bai ade..kalu tak,,hmmmm...nuthing!!! rdu same meena n deeja..dulu2 blk dari kelas sllu dorg yg ade..skrg dorg da kt sabah..hmmm...sedey..sedey..sedey..sedey...
mode: tengah nanges nie..huhuhu...
♥♥♥ MISS U GIRLS ♥♥♥
Sunday, January 17, 2010
congratsSs to my brother for his restaurant opening last nite...dream cOme true..he willing to resign as an engineer become businessman!! for me its hard to make decision for what he doin now..but people always say, until when we want work for other people..if there are chance, lets do it urself!! allah always by our side..our family will give u full support for whatever u do!! good luck!!

location: sek19,shah alam..near with sek rndah sek19 n CIAST..
Thursday, January 14, 2010
~~Boys Over Flower addict~~
mode : khurun ain is watching BOF for the 4th time..hahahhahaha
kaw2 aku nie..
Monday, January 11, 2010
~ not in gud mud ~
hmmmm...long time not update my blog..soOo so habuk-fuh2 already..hehehhe..don't no why sumthing to write but mayb my mud not gud or mayb sakit-malas more strong from anything.....hahahah..
but i've syukur to Allah bcause give me gud rsult for my final exam las year...alhamdulillah..
for 2010, i hope can make little what ha???!! juz look n see, hope i'll be strong to achieve my changes..hahahaha..fighty!!
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